3 Simple Steps to Clean a Toilet Brush

by Jacob Salem on Oct 19, 2024
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    Oh, we know, we know. You don’t want to think about how nasty this cleaning tool really is and you don’t want to get any closer to it than you have in case you accidentally – gasp! – touch the brush part. Relax; cleaning a toilet brush is easy. And it’s important to periodically disinfect it, so follow these 3 simple steps:

    1. Set a bucket of water in the bathtub or shower stall and add 1/2 cup of bleach per gallon of water (this is a ratio for disinfection). Put as much water in as you want to cover the brush handle. Should you use hot, warm, or cold water? You decide. The caution that hot water makes the disinfecting power of bleach less effective has been floating around the web for some time.
    2. Put the toilet brush in the water and let it soak for an hour or more. If you use a plastic caddy to store the brush, you can put that in the bucket too.
    3. Rinse the brush and caddy and allow them to dry thoroughly. Slowly and carefully pour the bleach water down the drain.

    For a quicker, in-between cleaning and disinfection, you can pour bleach right in the toilet bowl and soak the brush in there, but the water level may only cover the brush and you won’t be able to soak the caddy too.

    Now that wasn’t so bad, was it? Many of us choose to use this type of traditional toilet brush rather than one with disposable heads, and there are several styles available. Check out Speed Cleaning’s great Large Angled Toilet Brush: perfectly contoured, tough yet safe bristles, sleek, extra-long, tapered handle, ergonomic hand grip, durable construction. And the available caddy stores the brush suspended rather than resting in a puddle, and is ventilated to let the brush dry well.

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