3 Essentials for Your Clean Team Apron
If you know much about Speed Cleaning, you know that nothing makes sense in this system without an apron. It saves more time than all the other products combined. It carries the supplies and tools that allow you to “walk around the room once and you’re done.” Be sure to wear it when cleaning – start to finish. The Clean Team uses our own special aprons with seven pockets, loops for your Red Juice and Blue Juice, and it fits securely around your waist. Wear it every time you clean! Three of those pockets are dedicated to these three important tools: the toothbrush, razor-blade holder, and scraper.
- This toothbrush is actually not recommended for your teeth at all, but it’s the handiest brush we’ve seen for getting into tight places fast – like the areas around faucet handles, tile grout, impossible nooks and crannies on stovetops, light switches, etc. You’ll be amazed at how often a spot will not respond to wiping but will come right up when agitated with a brush and a cleaning agent like Red Juice. This is a serious cleaning tool, not an old toothbrush.
- The razor-blade holder is great for soap scum on shower doors, paint splatters on glass, and baked-on food on oven windows and surfaces of appliances. The one we use has a three-position blade for added safety.
- Occasionally, you will encounter mysterious globs that are difficult to remove with the toothbrush – like petrified lumps of pancake batter or squished raisins. This is a job for the scraper. They can easily be removed in seconds with a scraper. We us a 1 1/2-inch-wide tough, durable polystyrene scraper that won’t scratch surfaces.
A fourth pocket in the apron is used as temporary storage for debris you encounter while cleaning. This saves extra trips to the trash. Use a gallon-size Ziploc storage bag as a liner and heavy duty paper clips to keep it in place, or just purchase some of our apron pocket liners, made specifically for our aprons.
Once you get in the habit of wearing an apron stocked with your handy cleaning tools, you won’t want to clean without it – it’s all about speed cleaning, right?