It's Time to Dust!
by Amy Sardone
on Aug 07, 2024
Would your house pass the white glove test?
Dust is everywhere. It is also the most visible sign of a house in need of a good cleaning. While it may seem impossible to keep your home entirely dust free, dusting is a critical component of any house cleaning regimen. Dusting a home is akin to detailing a car and requires the right tools, patience and consistency.The Chemistry of Household Dust
What is dust? And in the "I didn't need to know that" category, dust is made up of a plethora of contaminants including dead skin cells, hair, dust mites, dirt, pollen, clothing fibers, bacteria - just about anything that can enter your home via the air, your clothes, shoes, etc. Dust can be airborne and can accumulate on just about any surface in your home.The Benefits of Regular Dusting
Beyond the obvious visible signs of cleanliness around your home, regular dusting provides many benefits to the health and welfare of your family. Reducing dust in your home also reduces allergens, bacteria and mold throughout your home. Additionally, a clean home attracts less pests and helps reduce the spread of germs including common bacteria and viruses. Perhaps less obvious is the benefit to your mental health. Ever lose sleep, tossing and turning, as you think of all the chores you've put off for another day? Regular dusting gives you the satisfaction of knowing your home is clean, safe and healthy, thus eliminating at least one source of stress.How Often Should You Dust?
The short answer is: it depends. Speed Cleaning™ author Jeff Campbell explains, "There is no set time for the number of days you wait between dusting, vacuuming and cleaning. Each house and its occupants are different. Where you live is also important. If you live in the country, you may have twice the amount of dust as people i the city." In any event cleaning is based on needs rather than on a calendar. Develop a schedule that suits your home and satisfies your sense of cleanliness. To minimize the health risks of dust, most people dust common areas at least once a month and do a thorough deep clean every three to six months. During seasons when you tend to leave doors and windows open for the fresh air or if you have pets, you may need to dust more frequently.What is the Best Method of Dusting?
As with any house cleaning process, always work top to bottom. It is also best to start in a particular place and steadily work your way around the room (either clock-wise or counter-clockwise) to make sure you don't miss any spots. Let gravity help your cleaning process and always finish dusting by thoroughly vacuuming the room.What are the Best Tools for Dusting?
Speed Cleaning™ Dust Buster Kit[/caption] In most instances, all you need is a damp cloth or microfiber cleaning cloth and a dusting wand or feather duster. We're obviously fans of the hand-washable Speed Cleaning™ Microfiber Dusting Wand that attaches to the Speed Cleaning™ VersaPole that helps you reach just about any place in your home, high or low. If you have wood furniture, you can reduce dust build-up and preserve the life of your furniture with a premium furniture polish. Take your dusting to the next level with a high quality vacuum with HEPA exhaust filtration.Dusting: One Simple Way to Make Your Home Happier and Healthier
Think of dusting as the quickest, easiest way to keep your home not only looking cleaner, but making it healthier too! With the right mindset and a consistent approach, you'll sleep better knowing your home is clean and breathe better because it is healthier. And be sure to check out all of the Speed Cleaning™ dusting products designed to help you clean like the Pros.Share