Hibernating This Winter? Clean Your House First
by Amy Sardone
on Aug 07, 2024
Parts of the country have been hit with excessively cold temperatures this winter and we don’t blame you if you feel like sealing up the doors and hibernating until spring! But before you arrange your life to leave the home as little as possible, be sure your cozy home-cave is as clean as possible. That way, you’ll feel nice and snug as you settle in and watch winter swirl outside your window. Here are some quick tips to help you get your home ready for hibernation.
Tidy up
Your Speed Cleaning™ Apron is essential to helping you keep a tidy and clean home. Since you’re already planning on slowing down and getting into hibernation mode, we recommend this efficient way to keep your home clean. Before you tackle cleaning, you load it up with all the tools you need— like cleaning cloths, Speed Cleaning™ Red Juice, a duster, and some brushes—and then work your way around your home from room to room. You save yourself from running back and forth to grab any cleaning tools because they’re all strapped around your waist in the apron.
Ditch the clutter
Since you plan on battening down the hatches and staying put for awhile, the last thing you need is to start out with a cluttered nest. Don’t forget the three essential rules to managing the clutter that you may find starting to accumulate in your home:
- When in doubt, throw it out.
- Use it or lose it.
- Efficiency counts, so store things according to how often you need to use them.
Tackle germs before they tackle you
You’ll want as pristine an environment as possible as you settle into your hibernation. So as you clean, be sure to wipe down surfaces. Things like your coffee table, nightstands, countertops, cabinet handles, desks... all these can get dirty and aren’t cleaned as often as most parts of your house. Wipe these areas using a little Speed Cleaning™ Red Juice sprayed on one of your Speed Cleaning™ Microfiber Dusting and Cleaning Cloths to clean.
We hope these tips help you clean your home as you get ready to leave the house as little as possible and catch up on all your streaming TV while watching a fire crackle in your fireplace. Stay warm and cozy and keep your house clean!