Using more cleaning product means better results...Myth or Fact?
by Amy Sardone
on Aug 07, 2024
Don't "FALL" for the myth that using more cleaning products makes your home cleaner!
As the autumn leaves start to fall, there's a common misconception that often descends upon us - the idea that more cleaning products equate to a cleaner home. It's a myth that can lead to counterproductive cleaning habits, increased chemical exposure, and even more household clutter.
At Speed Cleaning, we're committed to debunking this fallacy and helping you achieve a cleaner, healthier, and more efficient living space. In this blog post, we'll unravel the truth behind this myth, explain the science behind the facts, and introduce you to some of our trusted cleaning solutions that prove less is often more when it comes to cleaning. Let's embark on a cleaning journey that not only simplifies your life but also keeps your home sparkling, all while embracing eco-friendly practices.
Myth: Using more cleaning product means better results.
Fact: Using too much cleaning product can actually be counterproductive. It can leave behind a residue that can attract dirt and grime, making surfaces dirtier faster.
When we pour or spray an excess of cleaning solution onto a surface, we might believe we're achieving a deeper clean. However, the reality is that an over saturation of cleaning product often leads to residues being left behind. These residues can be sticky and act like a magnet for dust, dirt, and other particles.
As a result, what was once a sparkling clean surface can quickly become grimy and coated with a layer of buildup. This not only undermines the effectiveness of your cleaning efforts but also creates a vicious cycle where you find yourself cleaning more frequently to combat the accumulating grime.
How do you know if residue has been left behind?
If it's hard to spot by eye, you can feel the surface to test if it is sticky, slimy, or greasy. When residue from a cleaning chemical is left behind on a surface, the molecules in that cleaning solution are still doing their job of attracting and bonding to dirt. So when there is residue left behind on a surface, that surface will continue to attract dirt, which then creates a breeding ground for bacteria.
If you do have residue build-up, follow the instructions on your cleaning solution, with the correct dilution for the surface, and clean off the residue. Cleaning product instructions are typically formulated to ensure optimal cleaning performance without leaving harmful residues. Using the right amount of product, combined with proper cleaning techniques, will help you maintain a cleaner and healthier environment in the long run, without falling into the trap of using more product than necessary.
Aren't the cleaning products supposed to... clean? How do residues from my cleaning products attract more dirt? HERE'S THE SCIENCE!
The science behind residues left by using too much cleaning product becoming sticky and acting like a magnet for dust, dirt, and other particles can be explained by the principles of surface chemistry and the properties of cleaning agents.
Surface Tension and Molecular Attraction: Cleaning products often contain surfactants, which are molecules with both hydrophilic (water-attracting) and hydrophobic (water-repelling) parts. Surfactants work by reducing the surface tension of water, allowing it to spread and wet surfaces more effectively. When you use the right amount of cleaning product, surfactants disperse evenly, lifting away dirt and grime.
Excess Residues: However, when you use an excessive amount of cleaning product, these surfactant molecules can become concentrated on the surface. This concentration can lead to an imbalance in the hydrophilic and hydrophobic forces on the surface.
Stickiness: Some cleaning agents contain ingredients that, when they dry or when excess product is left behind, can become sticky as they partially evaporate or undergo chemical changes. This stickiness is often due to the residual presence of hydrophilic groups on the surface.
Attracting Dust and Dirt: The stickiness of the residue can make the surface more adhesive, causing it to attract and hold onto dust, dirt, and other particles in the environment. This is because the sticky residues effectively bond with these particles due to the intermolecular forces at play.
Buildup: Over time, as more particles are attracted and trapped by the sticky residue, a visible layer of grime can develop. This layer can be challenging to remove because it's adhering not only to the surface but also to the residue left by previous cleaning attempts.
In essence, the excessive use of cleaning product can disrupt the delicate balance of surface chemistry. Instead of facilitating the removal of dirt and grime, it can inadvertently create a surface that actively traps and holds onto particles, making cleaning less effective in the long term. Therefore, it's crucial to follow recommended product usage guidelines to achieve the desired cleaning results without creating a sticky residue that attracts more dirt.