How Do I Get Rid of Stains On My Granite Counters?

by Amy Sardone on Oct 11, 2024
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    If you have granite in your kitchen and are a tea drinker, you may have encountered the heartbreaking stains that can be left by wet tea bags. Don’t fret! We can walk you through how to save the beautiful stone in your kitchen. Load up your apron with a few cleaning tools and off we go!

    First, try to remove the stain with 12 percent hydrogen peroxide and a few drops of ammonia. (Hydrogen peroxide for bleaching hair is 12 percent—the kind in your first aid box is only 3 percent). If that doesn’t do the trick, you could try a poultice: a cleaner or chemical mixed with an absorbent material and then applied to the stain.

    An organic stain should respond to a poultice of hydrogen peroxide and Bon Ami. Mix the two ingredients to the consistency of cake frosting, then use a plastic spatula to apply it over the stain, approximately 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch thick. Cover the poultice with plastic sheeting or plastic food wrap and tape the edges to the granite. Use painters’ tape or any masking tape that doesn’t leave a residue so you don’t have to clean that up later.

    Allow it all to remain for twenty-four hours, then remove the tape and plastic to allow the poultice to dry for another twenty-four hours. Then wipe off the poultice, clean the area with water, dry with a cloth, and inspect the stain.

    Did it disappear? Great! If the stain only got lighter, repeat the process. If it’s not improved after three tries, give up or call a professional. 

    You can also make a poultice out of cotton balls or gauze pads, which is easier for small stains. Put either over the stain and wet with the hydrogen peroxide, but not to the point of dripping. Then cover and tape as outlined above.

    Do you have dark granite? It might be safer to substitute acetone for hydrogen peroxide because of the slight possibility that the hydrogen peroxide might bleach the stone. We always recommend doing a small pretest first to ensure you’re not harming the stone.

    If it’s an oil stain, try a poultice with these combinations: 

    • baking soda and water 
    • Bon Ami and mineral spirits 
    • cotton balls or gauze plus mineral spirits.  

    Note that granite is more resistant to stains and acids than marble, but resistant doesn’t mean that it won’t stain at all. To guard against stains, we recommend sealing and waxing natural stone surfaces. 

    If you found this helpful, you might benefit from our total home care kit. 

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